Top 5 Most beautiful women on earth

How can the list be complete without Aishwarya Rai. She is an Indian actress and former Miss World (1994). Before starting her acting career, she worked as a model and gained fame after winning the Miss World title in 1994. During her career, Rai has acted in over 40 movies in Hindi, English, Tamil and Bengali, which include a number of international productions

Anything said is less for Angelina Jolie. The actress, who ranks 18th on our annual Celebrity 100 list, helped drive the 2008 film Wanted to $341 million at the worldwide box office. She even lands female action roles where there aren’t any. When Tom Cruise fell our of the movie Salt, Jolie stepped in and the producers gleefully changed the sex of the lead character from male to female

Actress known to have oomph of style and sex appeal. Italian Monica Bellucci. Bellucci started modelling at 16, when she was attending the Liceo classico. Initially pursuing a career as a lawyer, Bellucci modeled to pay her tuition at the University of Perugia,[5] but the lifestyle tempted her away from her law studies. She was supposed to be seen portraying Indian politician Sonia Gandhi in the biopic Sonia, originally planned for release in 2007, but it has been shelved

Elegant redhead Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood`s top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Anthony (a biochemist and clinical psychologist) and Janelle (a nursing instructor) Kidman.
She is also known for her marriage to Tom Cruise, to whom she was married for 11 years and with whom she adopted two children, and her current marriage to country musician Keith Urban, with whom she has a biological daughter. Her relationship with Keith Urban has often caught the attention of the news, including the shutdown of a city block for the premiere of her movie "Rabbit Hole" in Toronto

Penelope Cruz is a spanish actress known for her poise in movies. She started working in movies at the age of 16. Cruz, known to her friends as Pe,[7] owns a house in Madrid that is near her family's home[4] and another house in Los Angeles. After appearing in Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise, they had a three-year relationship which ended in January 2004